Recently, we have discovered a cat that lives at our work position at Camp As Sayliyah (CAS). The cat is definitely new to the area — before there were tons of rats running around, but now it’s a strange site to see one. Rus (short for his given name Rusty) is a white and, Read More
The Villago Mall is Doha’s hub for overpriced luxury clothes. The mall was supposedly build by a Las Vegas architect, and it sports a sky-painted ceiling with a river of chlorinated water separating the businesses lining both sides of the main hallway. If you think you might enjoy the ride, are too lazy to, Read More
Few things in life bring me comfort like music does. I’m not sure if it is a result of growing up and being schooled around inner-city cultures, or just the appreciation for art that has made music so important to me. I do not play an instrument, but I can always find solace in, Read More
You may now check out a brief summary of who I am by clicking About. Additionally, please feel free to email me using the Contact form. Additional updates should come daily (including a photo gallery soon), until the full backbone of the site is built. I am looking forward to making some substantive posts, Read More
Created on Independence Day (July 4th) 2010, this is the introduction to my brand new blog. I hope everyone appreciates the theme for this festive day. There should be a lot to come, so please stay tuned!
The site will soon be up! See you soon!